Monday, April 4, 2022

The Kurtz - Update

Hello Friends and Family in Christ!

It's been a long time since I updated this blog; we just get busy and time flies!

Last time we wrote was in September and we have just arrived to Adrian, Georgia to serve at Adrian Camp Conference Center ( We were there until mid-October; went to TX and then got back February 11th until March 5th. I painted picnic tables and helped Gary with some of the clothes racks installation at the lodge. Gary also did a lot of power washing and built a shack for two water heaters. We both worked helping at the kitchen with food-prep and cleaning. We love our family at this Camp. 

Back in Mid-October, we were in Texas until the second week of February. Gary got his right shoulder total replacement on November 22nd. His improvement has been great. He's even built himself an exercise/therapy station in every place we have stayed. He's constantly praising the Lord for how fast this surgery's recovery has been compared to his left one in December 2020. God is so good!!

While in Texas, we first we went to see our son Shane in Houston and then we visited and stayed with our youngest, Blake in Seguin, TX for a couple of months. At Blake's, he and his girlfriend helped us put our Christmas shoeboxes together and we used our God-given gifts to help them with a couple of projects around their new apartment .


A few days before Christmas, the Lord put in our hearts to go and love and minister to our friends Johnny and Emmy in Utopia, TX. They are a very beloved family in Christ who we love like family. They lovingly opened their house to us and we had a very blessed time. We got to spend Christmas with them, their children and some other friends from our family in Christ. 

We had a gingerbread competition and I made my first ever gingerbread "house." No experience at all, so to "justify" the result, I just decided to say it was more like a "Frankenstein or Flintstones" creation. It was so heavy but so much fun! See for yourselves ðŸ˜†ðŸ˜‚😄. I can't wait until I try it again, but with time in advanced 😉.

We collected a lot of laughter and memories. We also cherished our time at service and Sunday School with our heavenly family from Living Waters Church ( in Utopia. I, Marielos, personally believe God had also appointed this time for me to be refreshed in heart matters thru the Women's Bible study. His timing was perfect.   

We are now back to Black Mountain, NC volunteering at Black Mountain Home for Children, Youth & Families ( We will be serving here until we hear from Jesus as far as where to go from here. We will be posting another update about our stay and service here in the future. 

Please keep our following needs in your prayers: 
  • For divine appointments wherever and whenever we come in contact with people who do not know Jesus and do not have a relationship with God the Father thru Him. 
  • Please pray for safe travels, our health, our RV and equipment to work right.
  • For our finances: we are offered an RV spot with all services and utilities in most of the places we volunteer at, but we need funds to cover for gas and food.  We can't deny the Lord is a good Father. In His faithfulness, He provides thru the help of people who are led to contribute to our ministry. Please prayerfully consider donating any amount God puts in your heart following this link: Online donations are tax-deductible only for USA Citizens & Residents thru Scroll down to the DONATE online section and please be sure to choose Gary and Marielos in the Missionary/Project box.  
  • You can also send your tax-deductible financial gift directly to us at Water, Worship & Word at the address below. Please make checks payable to WWW and write Gary and Marielos Kurtz in the memo. Also, please add a short note with your email address to be able to get a receipt for your donation. 
        Gary  & Marielos Kurtz 
        c/o W.W.W
        8765 Boxelder Dr.
        Colorado Springs, CO 80920