Hi Y'all!
Well, as you know from previous posts, I Marielos, am just a computer user, so our updates are nothing fancy or detailed. But one thing I can assure you, everything we do it, we do it for God's glory. We serve where He sends and do what He wants us to do for His Kingdom. We use this basic blog and our Facebook page just to let y'all how we are doing and what we are up to. As Gary says, the Lord tells us to go and when we make it to the destination, they give us the reason.
If you read our last update, you would know that we were serving at Black Mountain Home (https://blackmountainhome.org) This is such a godly ministry that we seriously ask you all reading this post to please prayerfully consider volunteering or contributing to this ministry. If you ever happen to be in this area, with or without an RV, they do need all the loving help they can get. They accept daily volunteers and you can also stay in a rig they have at their RV park for volunteer purposes. In both cases, you need to contact the volunteer coordinator in advanced.
Gary’s recovery from his left should replacement surgery last December 2020 has been miraculous. His ability to perform most jobs and using the gifts the Lord has given him is so rewarding.
We were blessed to spend time with other brothers and sisters in the RV missions ministries and attended a small but Spirit-filled church we have fallen in love with. (https://swannanoacc.com)
During the weeks before leaving Black Mountain, NC, we went to visit with family and friends in Pensylvannia. We celebrating Gary's Aunt Maggie's 91st birthday, got together with cousins who he hasn't seen in more than 50-60 years and had fun with very special friends. God is good! It was such great and blessed time!
We are now serving at Adrian Camp Conference Center in Georgia (https://www.adriancamp.com/) where we will be until mid-October. Please also consider serving here.
How can you support us:
- Please do keep me, Marielos, in your prayers as I am having some health problems with my hands and of course, I do need them, not only for volunteering work, but for my daily life 😶
- Please cover us with your prayers as often as you remember us: for safe travels, our health, our RV and equipment to work right.
- For divine appointments whenever we come in contact with people who do not know Jesus and do not have a relationship with God the Father thru Him.
- For our finances: being the children of God comforts us knowing that He always provides in His loving and caring ways. Our major expenses are gas and food. Please prayerfully consider donating any amount God puts in your heart following this link:
- Online donations are tax-deductible only for USA Citizens & Residents thru http://www.waterworshipword.org/p/support-information.html. Scroll down to the DONATE online section and please be sure to choose Gary and Marielos in the Missionary/Project box.
- You can send your tax-deductible financial gift directly to us at Water, Worship & Word at the address below. Please make checks payable to WWW and write Gary and Marielos Kurtz in the memo. Also, please add a short note with your email address to be able to get a receipt for your donation.