Saturday, May 5, 2018

What part of NEVER don't you understand?

As always before I post something, I pray for the Holy Spirit to guide me as to what to share with y’all. He reminded me of this Bible verse He has been whispering in my ear for a long time now. Then I started “reasoning” about what to say and I could hear His still voice telling me “what part of NEVER don’t you understand? 

Pow, pow!!! I can openly and honestly tell you that within the last months, every time I have any doubts, just the thought, about our finances due to our low income as missionaries, within seconds (no kidding) I can hear this Bible verse resonate in my ears and consequently my heart being convicted of my little faith, once again!  I should not doubt our Lord's word, truth and promises. He will NEVER forsake us. He will NEVER abandon us. He cares for His creation.

The great I AM, the Creator of everything we see and do not see or can’t even think about, will NEVER leave us. He is Jehovah Jireh, God our provider. He said it and He will carry it out. God is not a man, so He does not lie (Numbers 23:19). He will NEVER depart from us. He can’t do it. He is omnipresent. He is in everything & everything exists because of Him.  

He is love (1 John 4:8), not just any kind of love, but agape love, unconditional.  He is patient (1 Corinthians 13:4) and He NEVER gives up on us (1 Corinthians 13:7) Nothing can separate us from His love that is revealed thru Jesus Christ (Romans 8:38-39)

He will NEVER forsake us. As per dictionary forsake means to renounce or entirely turn away from, to be deserted, abandoned or to be forlorn. This definitely doesn't sound like our Abba Father.

He is so close to us that we practically take His presence for granted. Yes… as close as a heart beat… in every breath that we take. We are the ones who “step away” from His presence.  

I can hear His Holy Spirit whispering in my ear "I Am here, what do you want, what do you need my little child?"

To God be all praise, honor & glory forever and ever. Amen! 

Blessings, Love & Hugs in Christ!

His servants
Gary & Marielos Kurtz


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